[Free Ebook] How to find the right photographers for your camp

April 8, 2020
Free Ebook: How to find the right photographer for your camp

In the age of social media being every small business’ #1 marketing tool, having high quality photos is a key ingredient to growing your brand online.

The Importance of Having the Right Photographer

Talented photographers and picture quality have a direct impact on your camp’s brand and your marketing potential online. The more post-worthy a photo is, the higher the probability that a parent will share it to social media and friends. Quality photos keep your current parents and families happy and engaged, and when they post these quality photos to social media, you’ve turned them into influencers on social media their followers are most likely your prospective families.

A Professional Camp Photographer

4 Key Things to Know Before You Start Hiring

Before you hop into hiring efforts, there are a few key things that you have to plan ahead in order to guarantee success. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered.

1. What to include in your job posting

Knowing what to include in your job posting prefaces the potential hires with the environment, challenges, and returns from your camp’s photography gig. You need to make sure you have a summary or bio of your camp, the requirements or qualifications of the photographer, as well as the benefits for the photographer. In our free Ebook available at the end of this blog post, we have listed in full detail the requirements and benefits you would want to convey to your potential hire.

If you use Waldo in your camp photography mix, you would want to link to Waldo Camps for the photographer’s understanding as well.

2. How to calculate the number of photographers you need for your camp

To identify the right number of photographers to hire, you need to know the number of campers you will have per week along with the total number of photos needed per week. Use these numbers to gauge the number of photos you would need per day to estimate the minimum amount of photographers you will be needing. In our ebook, we have included a clear table to help you easily understand how to perform this calculation.

3. The best places to post your opening

Word of mouth and social media are two of the most efficient ways of passing along information these days, and that applies to job openings as well. A handshake can net you your best hire yet, whereas camp social media pages would also be a good bet. Local schools in your area, as well as art institutes or colleges with art programs, are also great places to net talented photographers at a worthwhile rate.

4. Questions to ask at the interview

You should definitely have an interview with every potential photographer you hire. On top of that, you need to know what questions you have to ask in order to secure your summer camp photography success. These questions range from their availability during the summer down to how comfortable they are working long hours — you could even ask them for recommendations if they think they aren’t a good fit for the job.

Get your free ebook here ?

Ebook Cover: How to Find the Right Photographer for Your Camp

For the complete guide to finding the right photographers for your camp, get our handy ebook through the form below.

Along with the ebook, make sure you check out the webinar presentation hosted by professional photographers Chelsey Schrader and Vanessa Stowe for a verbal walkthrough of the topic.Watch The Webinar Here